Here are some great educational resources on creativity, mindfulness, dharma & personal development.


TED Talks

"TED Talks shares the best ideas from the TED Conference with the world, for free: trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses, all giving the talk of their lives in 18 minutes."


The School of Life

"Devoted to developing emotional intelligence through the help of culture via conversation, public classes and workshops."




The Professional Association for Designwas founded in 1914 and is the oldest and largest membership organisation for design in the US.


Mindfulness & Dharma


  • Self Authoring: online guided writing exercises the Department of Education hailed "as a promising tool to boost resilience and perseverance—skills not only critical for academic achievement but also for determining whether people lead happy, successful lives." Check out Joe Rogan's Jordan Peterson podcast for an overview on this innovative programme:
  • Thoughtco:

Art & Design Student Resources